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The Best Cherry Fruit Fluff Dip Recipe

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Summertime! I particularly like when the temperatures aren’t too hot but are just right for being outdoors for an evening on the patio. Do you have a summer barbecue coming up? Need a delicious dessert option? This cherry fruit fluff dip recipe is perfect! Read on to get the easy recipe. It’s sure to be one that you will make again and again.

Cherry Fruit Fluff Dip Recipe, dessert ideas, delicious desserts, summer barbecue, easy recipes, cherry recipes

The Best Cherry Fruit Fluff Dip Recipe

I love recipes that scream summer. Particularly ones that are the perfect go to when needing a dessert or side to take to a barbecue. Something simple and easy to make, but sure to be a real crowd pleaser. Cherries scream summer to me. So yummy. Combine the flavor with a fluffy fruit dip and you have a delicious barbecue treat!

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Cherry Fruit Fluff Dip Recipe




  • 8 oz package cream cheese, softened
  • 7 oz container marshmallow cream
  • 8 oz container whipped topping
  • 3-4 tablespoons juice from maraschino cherries (save the cherries to dip in the fruit fluff)

maraschino cherries, cream cheese, whipped topping, jet puffed marshmallow creme, fluff recipe





1.)   Using a fork, start mashing the cream cheese until it’s soft enough to whip. Then whip it with the fork until it’s creamy and there are no lumps.

soft cream cheese, summer dessert idea


2.)   Add marshmallow fluff, and whip with a fork to combine well. 

marshmallow creme dessert


3.)   Add whipped topping, whip with a fork until completely combined.

whipped topping summer dessert dip


4.)   Add cherry juice and whip until combined.

cherry juice fruit dip


5.)   Chill for at least one hour. Serve with fruit.

delicious recipes, summer recipes, summer desserts, Cherry Fruit Fluff Dip Recipe, dessert ideas, delicious desserts, summer barbecue, easy recipes, cherry recipes


So delicious and easy to make. It pairs well with fruit or even graham crackers.



Be sure to check out the other delicious recipes on the blog HERE.


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blog owner at Seeing Dandy Blog
A mom blogger for over 15 years, Tara Smith lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her audiologist husband and four kids. Her blog has been featured on local media television shows like News 4 Great Day and Show Me St. Louis, as well as in the Farmhouse Style Magazine for Country Sampler. She loves to travel, explore the Midwest, make crafts and read.

This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.

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