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Easy To Make Jack Skellington Cookies For Halloween

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Okay so I know that these really shouldn’t be called Pumpkin Jack cookies. They should be called Jack Skellington cookies. But let me level with you.  My kids love and they do not call him Jack Skellington. To them he will always be simply Pumpkin Jack. It’s just what they refer to him as and it’s endearing to us. So Pumpkin Jack cookies it is! Or Jack Skellington cookies if you prefer. *wink*

I’ve been seeing all sorts of Halloween crafts out there with a nod to good ‘ole Jack. My favorite? These Jack Skellington ornaments from my friend Jana over at Whisky + Sunshine. Adorable.


Image source:  Merlot Mommy

I’m not much of an artist myself so I think this is something that I can totally do.  Definitely a craft project I’m going to try out with my kids.  But it got me to thinking…  What else could I do that’s a round shape to create my dandy kids favorite character.  Sugar cookies of the round variety.  And so the Pumpkin Jack cookies were born!

Easy To Make Jack Skellington Cookies For Halloween

I started by finding the best (and easiest) recipe for sugar cookie glaze.  Then I found a really yummy sounding sugar cookie recipe and I got to work.

sugar cookies

What I learned?  I really need to upgrade my rolling pin.  Like in a major way.  The wood one just isn’t cutting it for me.  I’m thinking that a will be a necessity for next time I make sugar cookies.

Now about these particular sugar cookies…  These cookies are the perfect combination of chewy and crispy.  I sure do love a good sugar cookie.  Definitely going to make these again and again.

sugar cookie recipe

Then glaze those bad boys.

cookies glaze

For this part putting some paper towels under the is a good idea.

Not going to lie… Sometimes I show you only the good side of things.  Yes, I’m guilty of only showing dandiness.  I’m sure it happens to others just sometimes as well.  Never happens ever on social media. Am I right? Seriously. I take pictures, pictures, and more pictures.  Then I edit and only post the best, most appetizing photographs.  Not this time.  I’m going to show you what happens when you don’t let that glaze fully dry.

This happens. 


Isn’t that scary?

This did make me realize that I shouldn’t strive for so much perfection.  Isn’t it refreshing to read a blog once in a while where it’s not 100% all of the time?  We aren’t perfect and that’s okay.  Let’s just be supportive of each other.  Shortcomings and all.

So make sure that the glaze dries FULLY.

Once the glaze is fully dry then you can draw an ever so simple Skeleton face.

I used .  You know the already prepared stuff from the grocery store.  See?  Told you I’m working on that perfection business and doing a pretty good job thus far.  Not making my black icing and everything.

There you have it.  Pumpkin Jack or Jack Skellington cookies!

Oh and just so you know.  That one cookie right there is the best looking of the bunch.  The others?  Quite frightening looking.  I cropped the image.  That whole lack of perfection thing?  Old habits die hard.  Clearly I’m still working on it.  *wink*

Happy Cookie Decorating!

Be sure to check out my other dandy recipes HERE.


blog owner at Seeing Dandy Blog
A mom blogger for over 15 years, Tara Smith lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her audiologist husband and four kids. Her blog has been featured on local media television shows like News 4 Great Day and Show Me St. Louis, as well as in the Farmhouse Style Magazine for Country Sampler. She loves to travel, explore the Midwest, make crafts and read.

This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.

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