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How To Make Kettle Corn Popcorn At Home

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Who else loves kettle corn? So yummy and reminds me of summer vacation spent at a theme park or at the State Fair. This recipe for making kettle corn popcorn at home is so easy to do, so read on to find out everything you need to create the tasty treat without having to take a trip to the fair!

Easy to make kettle corn popcorn recipe.

How To Make Kettle Corn Popcorn At Home

First, let me start by telling you that I love popcorn! Who doesn’t? It’s the perfect snack for so many different events. I feel like I could load this post with pictures of popcorn and all the kinds I love and call it a good day. But I wanted to share something more specific that I love with you. My new popcorn popper and kettle corn.

Little baby wearing polka dot sunglasses and eating kettle corn popcorn.

I love getting popcorn at the movies and making it in the microwave at home. However, when I realized that our midday snack time was helping us burn through microwave popcorn (not to mention my love for movie night usually means popcorn)so fast I thought it might be time to buy a popper. I’m so glad we did!

Watching the kettle corn popcorn pop.

You can get the above Stir Crazy popper HERE. It’s so easy to use and makes tasty popcorn super fast. All of my boys love watching it!

Easy To Make Kettle Corn Popcorn Recipe

Now how to get the tasty kettle corn flavor at home… I’ve tried plain popcorn and while it’s healthier, it’s just not delicious enough. My secret is adding white sugar directly to the oil while the kernels are getting moved around. Then simply sprinkle some popcorn salt (to get the sweet and salty taste) and some kettle corn powder. I really like doing the homemade kettle corn because it gets a crunchy outer shell on it. So good! I love this popper and we use it all the time, so I hope you enjoy it as well.

Close up of kettle corn popcorn.


Are you a popcorn lover? What’s your favorite kind of popcorn?



If you like this kettle corn popcorn recipe then…

Be sure to check out the other delicious recipes on the blog HERE.

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Seeing Dandy

Author at Seeing Dandy Blog
Seeing Dandy has contributed 15 articles on since May 31, 2018.

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