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It’s easy to reduce background noise with the help of the Noopl hearing enhancer. This iPhone accessory is one that you’ll want to use in many different social situations where loud background noise is a factor.
How To Reduce Background Noise With Noopl Hearing Enhancer
A couple of years ago I turned 40. Since then I feel like all the typical age related changes have begun coming to pass. I started to notice fine lines on my face. Reading now requires glasses with 1.50 magnification. Eating out in a crowded setting has even created a challenge, because I’ve noticed that I struggle to catch the complete conversation taking place at the table. The hearing bit has been of particular annoyance to me. Isn’t getting older grand?
My husband is an audiologist so naturally when I began to notice changes in what I thought that I could and couldn’t hear in social settings I told him that I needed to get a hearing test. To my surprise my hearing is doing okay but filtering out background noise has been proving difficult for me. Perhaps I struggle to focus in on the speaker when there’s loud noise all around. At any rate I’ve found myself saying “what was that?” and “I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you said” quite often when out to dinner with friends. Or just smiling and nodding when I’m not really sure what I’m smiling or nodding about. This is particularly annoying when I’m out with my family. As a mom of 4, I definitely need to be able to hear what my kids are saying in all types of situations.

Noopl Hearing Enhancement Device
The Noopl iPhone accessory and complementing Noopl Listen app allows the user to join in on the conversation again by focusing in on what’s important; not on the chatter taking place at the other tables in a busy restaurant! It’s easy to reduce background noise both quickly and effectively.
Using Noopl To Reduce Background Noise
As the wife of an audiologist I take hearing health seriously. I was excited to try out this device to see just how it worked and if it would reduce the background noise in a dining out situation. That’s where I notice the most that I have a hard time hearing. So with Noopl in tow, off we went as a family to dine at one of our favorite restaurants.
How Noopl Works

- Noopl uses advanced hearing enhancement technology to work with your iPhone and AirPods Pro so you ‘never miss a moment’.
- Working with the AirPods Pro head tracking feature, Noopl is designed to know exactly where you are looking in order to focus on the conversation that you are having. Perfect for noisy places like a restaurant!
- Noopl wants you to be completely satisfied. So much so that it’s guaranteed with a one-year warranty and offers a 90-day money back guarantee.
How Noopl Worked For Me
I found that it really helped me to hear the conversation in a noisy restaurant, but also loved that I could not only increase the volume but also increase the noise reduction easily from my phone. The noise reduction feature was amazing at filtering out the clatter of plates and silverware at other tables that you typically hear throughout a restaurant.
I made sure to place my phone, with Noopl plugged into the bottom, on the table at the restaurant and found that the multi-directional microphone works great at picking up voices around the table. Just the table I was sitting at. Not the other tables nearby!

Get more details and order Noopl HERE.

Thank you, Noopl for helping me to not miss a moment with my kids!
Allow Noopl to help you never miss a moment HERE.
This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.