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The post that broke Facebook.

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Okay.  Okay.  Kind of broke Facebook.  Okay it didn’t really break Facebook but in my world it sort of did.  “Breaking” Facebook in my world is actually breaking the code and algorithm from the powers that be to reach the most people possible with one of my posts.  That just never happens in my world.  So here it is.  The post that “broke” Facebook… at least in the world of Seeing Dandy that is…

It started with this post and picture:

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It then branched out onto Twitter with this tweet:

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 Where I got a response/reply from Honda.  As in THE Honda.  Don’t believe me?  You can see it here.  So very dandy, right?!  Again that is something that never happens in my world of social media.  I’m sure it happens in the world of others or maybe in your own world, but in mine?  Not so much.  Until…  It actually did happen!  I got the notification of that Twitter interaction as I boarded a plane to head out to LA for #LKCollectors.  So you can imagine that I’m having a really good couple of weeks around here.  *wink*  Perhaps my life in social media is headed for a big change.  I think so.

But back to that Facebook post… You know.  The one that started this whole thing.  That post… It broke a personal record of mine.  So maybe it didn’t break the actual Facebook, but it broke through a barrier that I’ve been trying to for some time and I think that’s pretty dandy.


What is #LKCollectors?  Well, stay tuned.  Because it’s pretty dandy!  😉


blog owner at Seeing Dandy Blog
A mom blogger for over 15 years, Tara Smith lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her audiologist husband and four kids. Her blog has been featured on local media television shows like News 4 Great Day and Show Me St. Louis, as well as in the Farmhouse Style Magazine for Country Sampler. She loves to travel, explore the Midwest, make crafts and read.

This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.

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