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Earlier in the month we celebrated a toddler golden birthday around here. A golden birthday should be extra special anyway, but this one just happened to fall on a Friday so we were able to make it extra, extra special by celebrating all weekend long! I cannot believe the youngest of our tribe is growing up. Time truly does just keep marching on, doesn’t it?
How To Celebrate A Toddler Golden Birthday
It’s a given that you only get one golden birthday in life so you gotta make it a dandy one. That’s why we partied all weekend long. We started the actual birthday at the Magic House.
It’s magical there so the perfect place to celebrate any child’s golden birthday!
Later that night we had cupcakes.
With candles of course!
The festivities continued on Saturday with a prescreening of The LEGO Batman Movie.
See how the littlest is being ?
Have you seen ? If you haven’t seen this movie yet then you have got to. Seriously so funny. The kids had a blast watching it and us parents could not stop laughing. Great movie for the whole family to enjoy! Have a look at the movie trailer:
At the close of the weekend we had a family party complete with cake, ice cream, and lots of . Grandparents, cousins, and aunt/uncle were here to sing with us.
And you can tell that he was beyond thrilled to be sung to.
So there you have my tips for celebrating a toddler golden birthday. Or any golden birthday really. Celebrate for a few days. Make it last. After all it only comes around once! Make it dandy.
The little ones only stay little for so long.
See other dandy party ideas HERE.
Have a dandy weekend!
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