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Perhaps it’s because I’ve been in this blogosphere for so long (coming up on 10 years) that the thought even crossed my mind, but it hit me recently that I’m just a regular mom. As I look around, on places like Instagram, I see so many different types of moms. The fashion mom. The crafty mom. The baking mom. The working mom. The trendy mom. The beauty mom. The traveling mom. The Disney mom. The fitness mom. The millennial mom. Basically every type of mom is represented in the world of social media influencers and all are fantastic moms. Yet I’m not a cool mom. I’m just a regular mom. And that’s okay.
Just A Regular Girl
This realization doesn’t really come as that much of a surprise to me. I mean my entire life I’ve always been quite ordinary. Just regular. Average. In elementary school I was the shy girl who’s voice would crack from lack of use. Just one in the crowd. That pretty much carried over into the teen years and young adulthood. Playing sports in high school I was never the best player. I was just sort of there. Grades were always just average. Maybe a little above average at times, but definitely not anything to get me into a school covered in ivy or anything like that. Just regular.
College years I often felt like I was tagging along with my fabulous friends. Even though they weren’t regular or ordinary I still fit with them. They liked me and accepted me for who I am; not perfect, not fabulous, just regular. Many of them are still my good friends today. We’ve been through a lot together. I’ve never had tons and tons of friends. Sure I’ve grown to be more outgoing over the years. But those who truly know me best are my family and tight knit group of friends. They know my innermost thoughts. I guess I would consider myself as having a small tribe of friends within a bigger circle of friends.
Just A Regular Mom
And now I’m a mom doing the mom thing. While I grow older the moms of the world seem to be getting younger and younger. Life as a first time mom began for me over 9 years ago. I’m no longer considered a novice mom. And yet sometimes I look around and wonder if I’ve been doing it all wrong. I see the young moms out there who are doing it all perfectly. They seem to have it all together while most days I’ve found that I haven’t had a chance to shower before 10am or put on makeup. Okay let’s be real. My bottle of liquid makeup typically lasts at least a year because I might only use it once a week at best. A hair tie and ball cap are my companions for the days when I have showered but don’t want to fix my hair or put on makeup. So basically I’ve showered but don’t look like I’ve showered at all. You get the picture. I sort of feel like I failed the day by being clean but not looking clean.
In no way am I disparaging these other women. They are amazing to me. Such an example. I know that it’s not always perfection and sunshine. In fact sometimes we get a glimpse into those not-so-perfect days and I celebrate them for sharing. They are great moms. We are all doing our best and I truly think that it takes all of us helping each other to make this mom thing work. Where I fall short I can learn from them. They can teach me things and I can teach them things. It’s truly what makes the world go round. I applaud all the different types of moms even if I’m just one of the regulars.
I do the normal things with my kids. We go to the park. The kids stay up late sometimes. I’m pretty sure they get way too much screen time. They even get to eat fast food and on occasion they can go wild in the play place. (That’s for times of year when it’s not flu season.) I could be doing more crafts with them but I feel like a taxi service most of the time. Perhaps we can get our craft on in the minivan at stoplights… I’m just a regular mom.
Why I’m Okay With Being Just A Regular Mom
As a mom in the world of social media I don’t quite fit into a neat little niche. I suppose that some days I’m a bit of each type of mom that’s out there. Other days I’m scoring above par. I think that’s what classifies me as being just a regular mom. But it’s okay. I’m okay with being a regular mom. My kids are happy. They are thriving. We have a good life even if I have lots of fails at makeup, cooking, crafting, etc. All of us moms can be happy in our own state of momhood. I can embrace being a regular mom because I know that I’m not alone. Where there are thousands of craft moms, millennials moms, fashion moms, and fabulous moms… there are also thousands of regular moms. And I’m willing to bet that there are different types of moms in each of the circles of friends out there. I know my circle isn’t just full of regulars like me and we still fit with each other. We are still great friends and we help each other. As moms we will always have something in common. Always. Our kids.
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