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How To Knit Pumpkins For Fall Decorating

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It’s fall y’all! Fall. Totally my season. Speaking of fall… Have you ever wondered how to knit pumpkins? I’ve got that for you today. But first let’s get back to the love of fall. I love everything about it. The weather is divine. The colors. Even the smells of fall. And all the fall decorating options… Oh my. That’s my favorite. What’s your favorite part? It’s time to start decorating for fall and to get out one of my favorite decorations. My knitted pumpkin that I made myself. Here have a look and see why it’s my favorite. And if you know how to knit then I also have a tutorial for how to knit a pumpkin!

A few years back (okay it was 5 years ago) I found the most adorable little knit pumpkin in a shop at Historic St. Charles.  If you’ve never been to St. Charles, MO then I highly recommend it.


Photo of the historic Main Street from the Fort-Worth Star Telegram.

There’s such a sweet little Main Street just steps away from the Missouri River.  It’s ever so picturesque with all the historic buildings lining the street. Main Street is full of cobble stone streets and quaint little shops. Just a quaint little community of town right on the river. But back to that knit pumpkin…

Historic St. Charles was full of fall decorating ideas and I spied an adorable knit pumpkin.  Now this wasn’t a kit or anything for how to knit a pumpkin.  It was just a pumpkin already knitted right up.  Couldn’t be too horribly expensive right?  Only it was.  Horribly expensive.  It was $40.  I said there was no way that I would pay $40 for a knit pumpkin.  No way.  I decided that I would just create it all by myself (for way under the $40 price tag) and even do a “How To Knit A Pumpkin” tutorial in the process.  So that’s just what I did.

How To Knit Pumpkins For Fall Decorating

Here’s what you’ll need:

I had all of the above already in my craft stash, but my estimate would be that the knit pumpkin ended up costing me just under $5 or maybe a little less.


Start knitting a circular tube.

knit pumpkin3

knit pumpkin 4


Secure top of the pumpkin using either yarn or embroidery floss.

knit pumpkin 6

Just turn the tube inside out and tie off one end with a string.  It’s going to look very similar to a knit hat!

Turn right side out and then stuff the pumpkin.

knit pumpkin 5


Then you are going to want to secure the top of your pumpkin.

knit pumpkin 10

pumpkin 11

To do this I used a needle and piece of yarn.  Then I just stitched up the top, gathered it together, and tied it off.

Next make the lines of the pumpkin.

pumpkin 9

Go from top to bottom with a needle and embroidery thread.

Last accent your pumpkin with a stem and leaf make from felt.

pumpkin accent

Stitch a pocket that will slip right over the top of the pumpkin.  It hides the gathered top!

And that my friends is how to knit a pumpkin!

pumpkin 12

There you have it. Knit pumpkins for fall decorating. Definitely let me know if you have any questions on this process.

Happy Fall Y’all!

Looking for other dandy DIY projects? Go HERE.


blog owner at Seeing Dandy Blog
A mom blogger for over 15 years, Tara Smith lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her audiologist husband and four kids. Her blog has been featured on local media television shows like News 4 Great Day and Show Me St. Louis, as well as in the Farmhouse Style Magazine for Country Sampler. She loves to travel, explore the Midwest, make crafts and read.

This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.

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