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Our Banjo Piano Man

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This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.

Disclosure: This posting contains affiliate links which means that I earn a percentage of the sale but all opinions are strictly my own.  Isn’t it great to have a talent?  Playing an instrument is dandy.  At least I think so.  It gives us the ability to use parts of our brain that we normally do not.  Just dandy thinking about that… I love the fact that my kids love music and I’m beyond thrilled that we have a piano man in our midst.

piano man

Our Banjo had a piano recital last week and we are so proud of him.  Here he is tickling the ivories:

That bow though.

Do you play the piano?  I’m going to level with you all.  I kind of play.  Like I can read music and I took lessons for years but I’m so out of practice.  I was never very good.  Never able to play anything major.  But I admire those who can play.  My piano man is one of those and I’m glad that he has brought the music back into our home.

Right now you can get a dandy deal on sheet music on Zulily!


There’s even sheet music for the littlest fingers.   My piano man would love this one:


And… I just ordered it for his birthday!

Get yours HERE.


blog owner at Seeing Dandy Blog
A mom blogger for over 15 years, Tara Smith lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her audiologist husband and four kids. Her blog has been featured on local media television shows like News 4 Great Day and Show Me St. Louis, as well as in the Farmhouse Style Magazine for Country Sampler. She loves to travel, explore the Midwest, make crafts and read.

This post could contain affiliate links or be sponsored which means I earn from advertising. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More details here.

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