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Quilts are like families. Many different fabrics and the threads that bind them together forever. For me, intricate quilts will always represent families together forever. ❤️❤️❤️

Why Quilts Are Like Families Together Forever
I never before knew that beautiful quilt even existed, but my mom came across it in her closet recently. She had forgotten that it was given to her years ago, to be put away for the future. As she opened it up she discovered a letter placed neatly in the folds. Reading the beautiful cursive penmanship of my great-aunt brought tears to my eyes.

This quilt is nothing fancy but it was put together with love and care. It was one of 3 quilts that Mom made and gave me (never used) and I want to pass it on to Tara because I’m sure if Mom could have seen Tara she’d be wanting to fix her a quilt. Take care of it and when Tara is old enough she’ll have a tiny part of her great grandma to keep with her. Love, Shirley
Quilts are put together with love and for me that represents family. Also eclectic in nature just like one big happy family.
Families Together Forever
I’m proud that I come from a long line of quilters. The art of quilting is in my blood and yet I’ve never pieced my own quilt. At least not a quilt in the traditional form. I’ve done many a rag quilt, but somehow I don’t think that counts. Perhaps one day, when I have more time on my hands, I’ll take up quilting. Or just start slow by work on piecing squares while watching television in the evenings. Something to keep me busy during my downtime. Until then, I’ll just admire the beautiful handiwork of my family members.

I do love the quilt ideas on Polka Dot Chair, this darling bird quilt pattern and the AccuQuilt magic. Mental note for my next birthday or Christmas wish list!
Families Together Forever Quilt

Be sure to check out the other family life posts on the blog HERE.
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