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We are big fans of cupcakes around here. I mean who doesn’t love a good cupcake?! Simple to make and serves a lot of people for a party. It’s fun to create different types and I found that it’s really easy to make tie dye cupcakes. Even easier with the product that came in our #DisneySide @Home Celebration box. (That’s the box that we were sent to create our very own Disney themed party.) Read on to find out the details!

How To Make Tie Dye Cupcakes Using Duff Goldman Mix
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It started with an email…

Saying that it was like my magical day. A day to celebrate. Like my unbirthday. *wink*
Disney Preschool Party
Out of thousands of applicants I was selected to be a host for a #DisneySide @Home Celebration! I was beyond ecstatic. You might remember the post on Facebook about the news. It looked something like this:

I immediately started planning the Disney preschool party event. Now I’m going to still keep the complete theme under wraps until the big reveal posting, but I will share with you just want came in the kit. Sound good? I know that I already gave you a glimpse of the Disney party kit, but here it is all unpacked:

Easy To Make Tie Dye Cupcakes
Besides picking a theme for the party there was so much to do and prepare! I made invitations (which will be revealed later since it would totally give away the party theme) and planned out the food. On the day of the party I got to work on making some yummy cupcakes using that Duff Goldman cake mix. Our party box contained this really cool tie dye cake mix.

I did have some green colored batter left over so I made one green cupcake. Waste not, right? My plan was to give a prize to the person who found the green one. More on that later…
I decorated the tops of the tie dye cupcakes with the mini and regular sized Oreos.

Such a super easy way to turn an ordinary cupcake into one that shows your #DisneySide! You’ll have to wait for the BIG reveal to see what other dandy treats we had at the party.
In addition to all the party planning there was also decoration planning. I like to decorate and any good party has to have decorations to go with the theme! So I ordered some decorations. I got all crafty with my bad self and made some decorations.
On the day of the party I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. All the last minute details that I put off until the LAST MINUTE. Running to the grocery store. Running here. Running there. I had not even started to decorate. Guess what? I came home to find that my husband had just taken all of the decorations and put them up for me. Isn’t he great?! Yep. I think I’ve got myself a very dandy husband. Love that guy of mine. He even found the perfect spot to hang the bunting that I created just for this special occasion. Here’s another sneak peek of this magical showing my #DisneySide bunting. If you look closely and dissect the different fabrics then it will give you a major clue to our party’s theme.

Don’t worry. All will be revealed soon. Very dandy soon.
*I received free products in order to host a Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.
Enjoy the cupcakes!
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